If you’re faced with the challenge of downsizing and moving a senior you love or handling an estate, Paper Moon Moves is here to help.  

Since 2009, we have been sorting, selling, donating, and managing our clients’ cherished belongings, and ensuring that they have just what they need for the next stage of their lives.

We were honored to be featured on the cover of the Sunday New York Times Real Estate section:

We are thrilled to be featured in this New York Times article about our industry!

We are thrilled to be featured in this New York Times article about our industry!


Our philosophy is simple. We believe that the accumulation of things can cause us to lose sight of real meaning, and joy. To that end, we spend our days helping people edit their belongings, focusing on the things that make them happy, and letting go of everything else.

Less Stuff
More Joy



Read about us in the Press:

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"The Paper Moon Moves 30-Day Decluttering Challenge!"

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